Monday, March 1, 2010

being a grown up...

is rough sometimes, so many decisions, so many sacrifices, so many responsibilties and to do lists and running tallies of things I did well or things I crashed and burned at.

Mostly...the adjustment to wife. SO much trickier than I thought. Being the prideful being I am ...oh man. I thought I would be a great wife, wise beyond my years, and um blah blah blah...crash and burn Dana...

I have learned how much sacrifice is in love, and that is what makes it so wonderful. Look at Christ's death on the cross. It was the largest sacrifice on earth. Marriage mirrors that with its every move...

ok so i know this is a bunch of mush but i say all that to interpret...I love my husband. He has the biggest heart and loves me. He is fun and in the midst of the biggest fight, can have me on the ground rolling. He loves me. I never doubt, never question it, and hear it at all hours of the day....he loves me well. So this is a tribute to my sweet husband and his love that I have been greatful for through our first year of marriage and years to come...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Some favs

I have some daily sights that I think everyone needs to know about...and somethings you need to know about me.

I started a company. Its events and designs and all things creative really. Its a blast and something I do more than anything because it brings me joy. Its were my giftings come alive...for that reason the profit side of my biz can be slow coming.

My friend Haley, who is also my partner in crime with our business is SO creative. She is learning the event side- but you would never think that- she is so great at it. So all that to say- check out our events and designs business coming soon at

Learn all about why we call it that.

Also you need to check out: amazing fabrics if anyone out there is like me and learning how to sow- it totally inspires you~ WOW. They also offer all kinds of sowing classes and fun socials for all sowers alike!

Lastly, check out was the photographer of my wedding and featured me getting engaged a few weeks ago. So...go to her blog and check us out and all of her amazing skills...totally worth your time!


Friday, February 5, 2010

The good ole' days

Haha so arent you just loving the new page picture of Jeffe and I?

Spring 2007- please say my junior year of college was not um 3 YEARS ago? I hate how fast time goes, and I hate how different i look just three years ago~

Well so many wonderful things have happened in the mean time but yesterday was one of the those nights that i felt too aware of the reality of life. That has always been a sign of growing up to me. The loudest sign. Mostly because I am aware of pain and hurt, and most of all...change.

Its been a rough year for my very big family. I have been so blessed that in my 23 years on earth, I have only lost two great grandparents. All my granparents are still alive and one great grandmother. No one has divorced, and well its been rough at times but I am quite aware that for whatever reason the Lord has shielded my family from alot of hard times. Yes, every one expieriences it in different ways and at different times, but I cant help but think sometimes, when will our time come? Are we next? With that, I totally see my need to cry out to the Lord for comfort, and come to him to rest in. God has given me a wonderful life and I know to praise him in the success and victory and praise him in the desert in despair.

My pray today as I go about my errands on my day off, that I would praise my God when the storms of life become to much. When I feel as though I cant make it, I will learn from the powerful people he has put around me in my life who have more strength than I can even begin to understand. Lord give me strength that only comes from you. Lord you are my everything and only way to making it when times are tough.

I also thank you for the good things of right now. A healthy husband asleep while I type, a family close by, friends who know me and speak amazing love and truth in my life, a wonderful apartment, and the fact that I know you father and will spend eternity in heaven.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Update on live as a Douthit

It has been awhile for me...mainly because we have been busy traveling, spending time with family, and starting a new chapter in my life...oh and we havent had a computer for 2 months :)

Yes that has a huge part in my lack of blogging, but I am back.

Milestones of 2009:

Jeffery and I got married and have been happily married for a WHOLE year!

We visted:
Les and Ryan Gilmore in Alb New Mexico
Several Lubbock trips
Maui Hawaii
Nebraska -Heather Ann got married (my sweet cousin)
Vegas with our dear friends the Lewis'

We got a minature pincher- Minnie
We moved to a bigger apartment with a GARAGE!!! (i love it!)
Jeffery completed the academy and began life as a police officer
Jeff fought in his first boxing tournament- guns and hoses and the police WON!

Dana ran the WHite Rock Half with her bestie Traxie

We started an amazing small group at Watermark and love our COMMUNITY

Dana completed her first job at MHBT and started a new position as Assistant to Community at Watermark Community Church

Dana launched Philosophy No. 9- an event and design business with her new partner Haley

WHAT A YEAR!!! God is so good!

And to make things more exiting- I got a mac laptop yesterday- been saving for it for 5 months and well ITS HERE and its SOO fun!

More to come now that I can again- hope everyone is feeling blessed in 2010!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dallas White Rock 12.13.09

Well I just completed my first half folks. After three years of talking about it. I finally did it. Through Christ who stregthens me, I finished strong and healthy with my textie traxie. What an amazing expierience to see how far the Lord can take you and stretch you mentally and physically. I am so grateful and I seriously got the fever for some more.

Along the way I became friends with Heather...traxie. We became trixe and traxie and God blessed our friendship. She is my neighbor, my pal, my accountability, and fun. I needed a friend who lived by, and God gave me Heath- to train with, and accomplish something huge together. I am so grateful for this expierience with you Heath!

Sweet Jenn also got to come in town and it was a blast to have her here, since I have looked up to her long list for years. Jenn so fun to join you and have you here for the weekend. What a treasure you are and always have been!

Heather Ann Spain becomes Mrs. Doyle

Well my sweet Heather Ann is married...what a great event it was!

She was the most beautiful bride. She looked just like Bride Barbie.

I got to be her number two behind her sister and my sweet cousin Sami. Heather and I have grown up best friends when we see eachother. We live three states apart, yet every time we see eachother we picked right up. It was the greatest upbrings.I grew up knowing family was more important and powerful than anything. I looked forward to seeing them every summmer and Christmas and I wouldnt change a thing. I look forward for my kids and heathers to grow close...just as we were...even three states apart.

I just love you sweet cousin heather, :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Do not be anxious

This week God has brought a verse to mind that I do not think about enough....Phil. 4:6-7. We have heard it time and time again but its thinking about what it actually means that keeps me thinking about it.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus."

First of all...WOW! Powerful! Second of all I think we forget the thanksgiving part...we should always be thankful for our blessings because they are always there.

But the part I love is how the Lord's peace will over come us....and it isnt a postive attitude folks. Its a peace that only God can give us.

Lord I pray for your peace as I enter decisions. Big decisons that Jeffery and I are about to make. I pray for clarity and YOUR peace. Not the peace of the world...peace from you Jesus.


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